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Visiting the local pub and sharing pints of Guinness beer with friends is a tradition that goes way back for many Irish people. This dark stout ale is so beloved, it is the top selling beer in Ireland, and it has won fans all around the world. And yet, this dark ruby red beer was initially created by accident. When Arthur Guinness realized one of his brewery’s batches had been burnt, he decided to sell it at a discount instead of destroying it and to his surprise it became a big hit. Over 200 years later, people are over-the-moon about this legendary beer and many Irish are proud of the brands success. This branded collection is dedicated to Guinness fans everywhere.

The Famous Pint Glass

Go into a pub in Ireland, and there’s a good chance of seeing some beer glasses emblazed with the famous Guinness name and logo. There’s no doubt that Guinness pint glasses are recognized by many beer lovers, and even those who don’t drink beer. This level of popularity is what makes these particular glasses collector’s items. Give a beer lover you know their own coveted set of Guinness gravity pint glasses featuring an etching of an Irish harp above the logo and on back. They are exquisitely designed and authentically Irish.

Jerseys and Shirts

Are you looking for Guinness gifts that stand out for their Irish uniqueness? Take a look at the awesome Guinness hockey jersey offered in this collection. These jerseys usually display the brand’s logo prominently on front with a stylized 1759, the year the brewery was founded, also making an appearance. It’s a winning look for any sports fan. The Guinness golf shirt offers a sleekly sporty look that’s great to wear for fun activities or hanging out with friends.

Cool Hoodies

Many people love wearing hoodies and you can help a gift recipient expand their collection by giving them a cool Guinness hoodie. Various colors and styles are available.