Centuries-old Irish quotes and famous Irish proverbs are passed along from family to family and often even displayed on wall hangings and framed art like the keepsake Irish quotes signs you'll find at Creative Irish Gifts.
This guide to Irish blessings and Irish sayings for friends includes a few of our favorites. If you forgot the words, or can't remember all of them, we invite you to download this free Irish sayings guide to use and share with others.
These seven sayings are just a few of the well-known favorites.
"May the Road Rise Up to Greet You"
While the origin of this saying is uncertain, its sentiment is an expression that is still used today as a lighthearted, yet heartfelt wish between friends.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again may the Lord
hold you in the palm of his hand.
This Irish blessing is a well-known favorite for friends and acquaintances alike. Display the saying in your home with a wall plaque or a Road Rise Up Irish Quote Tea Towel from Creative Irish Gifts.
For the holidays, see our Irish Blessing Santa Claus dressed in green and holding a scroll with the words to this favorite Irish quote

"You should never let the truth get in the way of a good story."
Sometimes the truth isn't quite as interesting as the way you remember the story. Fishing buddies and golf partners are sure to like this plaque as much you. This old Irish saying is a favorite gift for friends.
"May Trouble Avoid You"
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow.
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
This blessing is a favorite for those who are traveling or loved ones you don't have the opportunity to see often. Include an inexpensive Bouquet of Shamrocks magnet in any card you send with this quote.

"Life is Like a Cup of Tea"
"Life is like a cup of tea…
It's all in how you make it."
While it may not be uniquely Irish, this saying seems to sum up Ireland's optimistic culture. This saying can serve as a daily reminder to see a tea cup as half full. Add this quote on a gift note with an elegant Belleek porcelain Irish tea cup and saucer from Creative Irish Gifts.

"Now Don't Be Talking About Yourself."
Now don't be talking about yourself while you're here.
We'll surely be doin' that after you leave.
Although many Irish sayings have a dash of humor, this has to be one of the more comical Irish quotes. Share the saying with a friend you love dearly. Another funny Irish quote of ours? Pubs: The Official Sunblock of Ireland.
"Continued Cheerfulness"
Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom.
It's hard to argue with a saying that welcomes joy at all turns.

"May Brigid Bless the House Wherein You Dwell"
May Brigid bless the house wherein you dwell
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.
St. Brigid's (a patron saint of Ireland) blessing is a favorite for housewarming gifts and your own home's entryway.
Another heart-warming St. Brigid quote is on our St. Brigid's Cross Token. The silver-toned token, reads: "God bless the poor, God bless the sick, God bless our food, God bless our drink" on one side and features a depiction of St. Brigid's cross on the opposite.
Once you become an expert on Irish sayings, place a colorful Irish Warning Mat inside or outside your front door. It reads: "Warning: This House is Full of Craig, Shenanigans and Blarney."
Don't see your favorite included in this list? Share it with us.