5 Ways to Be MORE IRISH in 2018

5 Ways to Be MORE IRISH in 2018

Katie Rhodes |

Say “hello” to 2018! If one of your goals involved incorporating a wee bit more heritage into your daily life, you’re in luck. We compiled a list of five super-simple ways to become slightly more like our Irish counterparts.

#1 Drink More Tea (or More Guinness!)

Per capita, the Irish are one of the top tea-drinking nations in the world. Opt for tea over coffee in the mornings or spend an afternoon reflecting with a cup. Not one for hot beverages, the Irish also favor a frequent Guinness. Unwind with a draft at the end of the day.

#2 Use Wise Words

Anecdotes and sayings are a way of life with the Irish. And there’s good reason for that—they’re inspiring! Post a proverb or blessing that speaks to you in a space where you can see it—and live it out—every day.

#3 Gather With Family

Community and connectivity are part of a thriving lifestyle for many Irish. Take the initiative to plan and host regular family gatherings so you can share in each other’s lives. Whether it’s a Sunday afternoon once a month or weekly dinners, you will flourish from the time together and make memories that will last a lifetime.

#4 Take to the Kitchen

While you’re hosting family, why not cook for them? The Irish know that home-cooked food warms the soul. What’s more, it can be a healthful and low-cost approach to getting your three daily squares. So go ahead, grab a spatula, a pan, and fresh ingredients.

#5 Enjoy the Outdoors

Finally, look to one of the favorite pastimes of the Irish: being in nature. Maybe it’s all the gorgeous scenery they have the opportunity to take in, or maybe it’s just a passion for nature—either way, hiking, biking, picnicking, and sight seeing all top the list for outdoor activities the Irish enjoy year-round.